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More stories to help you grow your faith, testimonies on how Premier makes an impact

“Premier Praise has been such a support to me over the last 2 years, it has been a challenging time with the death of my father in law, the pandemic, work stresses and several other struggles. Premier Praise has…


“I also have been listening since the mid 90’s just in time of becoming a follower of Christ. I will always contribute, Premier was one of my mentors and I recognise that many people needs a mentor, especially at…


”Premier has been with me through dark times and through desperate nights since 2001 and continues to uphold encourage and bless me my husband and children through all our good times now. I want it to continue to…


”I just love Premier Praise, the prayers, the music , the words of encouragement, absolutely everything. I can listen to Premier Praise anytime, anyday and that makes me look forward to facing each day with hope…


”Premier Praise… It keeps my anxiety at bay and helps me through every stressful working day. I suffer from Sciatica, heart problems and arthritis and listening to God’s message every day helps me to…
