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Bishop using a bamboo toothbrush urges others to follow suit

by Tola Mbakwe

Rt Rev Graham Usher, Bishop of Dudley is trying to use less plastic during Lent.

"I've changed from using a plastic toothbrush to a bamboo toothbrush," Bishop Graham said.


"Although I must say I've been told don't go for the one with boar's hair bristles because they make you have bad breath, so I'm afraid I've still got plastic bristles.

"There are all sorts of other things from choosing natural fibres to wear to using milk in returnable glass bottles and reusing plastic bags whenever you can."

Bishop Graham's lifestyle change is a part of the Church England's Lent Plastic Challenge which encourages Christians to give up single-use plastics. Halfway through Lent he told Premier it's a tough feat.

Bishop Graham said: "I'm finding it really tough - everyday I'm confronted with plastic. Sometimes I've not been that good but I'm trying my best and I am certainly reducing the amount of single-use plastic."

He added that Christians should be "living the simpler life, one that is in harmony with the whole of creation and life that has a good sense of stewardship" because people are experiencing climate change troubles around the world.

"I was speaking with the Archbishop of Capetown. Next month they will run out of water because there has been no rain.

I was speaking to a bishop of Polynesia and he said that rising sea levels mean many of his island communities are becoming salinated so inhabitants can't live there any longer. People are moving to different islands which is causing conflict between different communities."

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