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Call&care (16)


Serving your community!


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Call and Care is an exciting initiative from Premier Lifeline: the National Christian Helpline to alleviate isolation, which received funding from the UK Government Coronavirus Emergency Fund to help local Churches and organisations and support their members, contacts and communities.

Call and Care is designed to use the experience of Premier Lifeline from the last 26 years to share with Churches and community groups how to use the telephone to support people.

The project was launched in January 2021 and taken up by many groups who used the training to prepare their members to create teams to support those feeling isolated throughout the pandemic. It was well received and the online training had many views and very positive feedback. A number of new helplines have been set up to serve their communities with a view to continuing for the foreseeable future.


Free resource videos

Series of videos to equip the setting up and support of a team of call-making volunteers.


Video Views

The training videos on all platforms have had combined views of 228,614.



Over 50 Churches have signed up so far.

Call&care (7)Jonathan Clark, Director of Premier Lifeline: the National Christian Helpline

Developed by Jonathan Clark, Call and Care is a series of videos and written materials that help all those who are isolated and provide them with the opportunity of a regular personal call from a friend, neighbour, family member or volunteer.

Call and Care is a project for churches, organisations and community groups to reach out and support people in their communities by equipping and training local volunteers to make contact by telephone.

  1. Identified Need – Many people in our society today are isolated and lonely. The number of people and the intensity of isolation have been exacerbated by the circumstances surrounding the pandemic and varying stages of lockdown. Many do not have access to, or experience of, using online solutions, but almost everyone has a telephone.
  2. Vision – That all those who are isolated are provided with the opportunity of receiving a regular contact.
  3. Mission – To encourage people to make contact with and support those who are isolated by means of the telephone (and other appropriate media), through organised local Call and Care Teams delivered by Community Groups (churches and other organisations).
  4. Implementation – The local Community Group identifies a coordinator/core group and a team of call-makers, who will work under their leadership to call out to an identified list of people on a regular basis to check-in with them and be there for them.
  5. Training – Call and Care provides the online resources – free video training consisting of 12 short videos with written transcripts to help prepare the call-makers for their role.

It is a way to offer supportive pastoral care at a time when meeting together is severely restricted and to keep in touch with the members of the community, thereby reinforcing a sense of belonging and increasing well-being.

Call and Care Video Course
  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. It’s Good to Talk
  3. Three Levels of Support
  4. First Steps… to Setting up a Team
  5. Search for a Good Listener
  6. Whose Call is it Anyway?
  7. Do not take your own Agenda
  8. Living at a Time of Intense Fear
  9. Maintaining Well-being in a Challenging World
  10. Looking after Yourself
  11. Keeping Prayer Simple
  12. Finding Faith in Uncertainty

For information and to view the free videos please go to

Call&care (10)

”Learning new skills online/telephone listening must be something the Lord wanted us all to do and I pray many will come to know him through this work.”

”They are really helpful. They are good because, being short, you can take it in. He puts so much knowledge and teaching into each one. He ends it up so well at the end. It is easy to access the site and videos. I have been telling my contacts about Call and Care.”

”The video training is absolutely fantastic, warm and friendly!”

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