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Be inspired by Christian stories

More stories to help you grow your faith, testimonies on how Premier makes an impact

“I’m supporting Premier as I have been really supported and comforted by listening to Premier Praise daily. The prayers, scripture readings and songs are a real blessing. My day would’t be the same if I…


“Premier Gospel has been my peace in the wake of losing my son last November. The morning after his passing I awoke to my mum playing Premier Gospel and it was a song that said I am not alone. Those words have…


”Premier is among the few, holding forth the Lord’s Royal Banner in our generation that it would never suffer loss. I always thank our Lord for the awesome work you are doing in Premier and the encouragement…


”Testimonies have encouraged me on numerous occasions when I felt hopeless. I have prayed and felt protection for my sons and myself as a single mother via Premier. God continue to bless and keep this station going…


”I’m a minister of the Gospel by the grace of God. A worker in my local Church. I got to know Premier Praise/Christian Radio in September this year through my cousin who is a minister too. Both of us are taxi…


”Premier is a constant companion every day. I love the teachings, the praise music, the presenters, and the other listeners’ phone-in testimonies. Thank you everyone at Premier. I do pray that Premier will…


”I love Premier so much! It is the only UK radio station that is so uplifting. The content is amazing, many people get saved through listening. It is a great joy to be able to support this wonderful channel. God…


”I enjoy listening to Premier Christian Radio I get inspiration from listening to some of the programmes and the Christian content and hearing God’s messages through the daily speeches. From 9 to 10 am in the…


”Premier gets me through my working week, getting up in the morning,t he drive to work, every appointment and communication I have at work. I love praying every hour and the music.”
