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Be inspired by Christian stories

More stories to help you grow your faith, testimonies on how Premier makes an impact

”This year our mid-week connect group are doing Let’s Do Lent as a group, sharing how we have done and doing a connected activity together. We meet at 6 o’clock as adults and children join together for the…


”The Christian faith has guided and given strength to my family in times of difficulty. You are able to reach certain members of my family from the comfort of their homes, otherwise being unable to share in the…


“I have been listening to Premier from a young child when my mum’s radio was playing. I have drifted away from church over the years as I haven’t felt safe to speak about issues I am dealing with,…


”Premier Christian Radio helps me every day but especially when I work on night shifts and in my breaks I need to listen to the word of God. I feel alone during those times and quite low in mood because the nature…


“I’m a minister of the Gospel by the grace of God. A worker in my local Church. I got to know Premier Praise and Premier Christian Radio in September this year through my cousin who is a minister too. Both of…


“I listen to Premier Christian Radio in my car virtually every day. The music, teachings, interviews and discussions are a real blessing and encouragement to me. Keep on doing the great work. The Lord bless the…


”I love the encouragement from the word of God and the message of assurance from Jesus. I’m supporting Premier because the broken world desperately needs people to hear the message of salvation and hope and…


“I recently switched over to Premier from another Christian radio station and love the way you play songs that I know and we sing at church. They help to lift my day. I also like Jonathan Edwards’s bible…


”I first stumbled across Premier Praise when I was on holiday on my own. I stayed in a hotel, and in the room, there was a Premier Christian Radio channel. I was instantly interested in it as it helped me sense…
