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Testimony (96)

Hope and encouragement


”I work in health care as a medic and actually stumbled on Premier Christian radio at the beginning of the pandemic and lockdown. At that time, going to work daily was mostly filled with palpable fear, hopelessness and despair.

Listening to Premier, especially on my way to work became a great source of hope and encouragement during those really dark times. My spirit was always uplifted by either a word of prayer, worship or a message. This gave me the strength to give others words of hope. In addition, over the year, my faith walk with God has also grown deeper and closer.

Premier has remained my main go-to radio station and I’m eternally grateful to God for the countless number of lives you’ve continued to bless & impact positively as I hear all the testimonies daily. Keep up the great & amazing work! God bless you all. ”


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