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Gill’s leaving a legacy

A Christian voice amongst the media


Hi, I’m Gill from Ashford in Middlesex. I support Premier with a gift in my will because firstly, I’ve supported Premier since the very beginning, as I always felt it was really important to have a Christian voice amongst the media.

And secondly, because having recently redone our wills as we hadn’t changed them for 30 years, we thought it was high time we did that, and the option for leaving a legacy came up in it. So, we’ve taken that option.

I know it’s really important for Premier to be able to plan ahead, which is why we donate monthly. And I also wanted to leave something in my will for after I’m gone to help the continuation of sharing the Christian ministry with an ever-wider listener audience to enable others to learn about Jesus and come to faith in him. I have a certain hope of where I’m going when I die.

And I want to give others that hope.

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