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More stories to help you grow your faith, testimonies on how Premier makes an impact

“I love listening to Premier Radio on the way to and from church on Sundays, every time I tune in I instantly feel that I’m checking in with a group of really great friends. Thank you to everyone at Premier…


“Even though we are 5,000 miles away over in South America, Premier is a constant companion for us and we thank God for the teaching and prayers that you broadcast that give light and hope in these difficult times….


“In times like these, we need a Christian voice in the media more than ever. In the current climate when the government is passing all sorts of laws, under the guise of ’emergency’ and…


“I have listened to Premier from the beginning and your ministry has helped me through many good times and challenges. Thank you so so much. You are part of my family. I ask everyone who listens to support you, if…


”I work in health care as a medic and actually stumbled on Premier Christian radio at the beginning of the pandemic and lockdown. At that time, going to work daily was mostly filled with palpable fear, hopelessness…


“Thank you to all the team at Premier Praise who are like family to me. Your radio station uplifts me every single day even on some of the most difficult days. My life is so enriched by listening each day to all of…


“We live in times when the message of love and hope in the Gospel is needed ever more. May all of us in the Christian Faith be encouraged and emboldened to share our faith in acts of kindness, words in season and a…
